appropriate technologies
As we can witness on the Earth every second, greed in humans
is greater than wisdom,
and such great ideas
die if they are not legislated.
Indian ideological leader Mahatma Gandhi
is often cited as the "father"
of the appropriate technology movement.
Gandhi advocated for small, local and
predominantly village-based technology to help India's villages become self-dependent.
He disagreed with the idea of technology
that benefited a minority of people
at the expense of the majority
or that people would be out of work to increase profits.
Most important - UN must provide for states a sustainable model
for starting the process of population decline in all of 195 countries in the world, today.
full chapter . . . 3 min read

©Personal Biodiversity
The foundation for ©Balanced Coexistism
General conditions of ©PBU inside new world order
©PBU is a whole new world of living and working standards for third millennium.
When a citizen is born, each country/state in the world
provides her/ him with ©Personal Biodiverse Unit - PBU, 150m2 of living space - 50m2 of indoor 100m2 of outdoor space.
©Personal Biodiverse Unit - PBU must contain at least 7 species of indigenous flora and at least 7 species of indigenous fauna.
Each individual is legally responsible
for their own small universe of biodiversity.
PBU is not (at no circumstances) build as new, so it will not occupy no new natural site, land, place, location from 2020.
All PBUs on planet are existing rearranged
buildings/structures of all types.
World fund of all buildings types must be restructured, renovated, redirected according to PBU needs.
We do not built new, we renovate/innovate - WE RENOINNO!
Specific conditions of PBU
Personal Biodiversity Unit PBU cannot be sold for money, it can be only exchanged for another PBU anywhere on planet.
As a ‘real estate’ in old thinking it has no value. All land belongs to planet Earth.
PBU value is in its added value that means in how good condition is the fauna and flora on it
along with (small green business) program attached.
This will present value for ‘goods exchange’ or money exchange.
Vitally important consequences of implementation of Personal Biodiversity Unit PBU
Office spaces, industries, etc will be 50% less occupied (let's take aside special situation during a pandemic),
that means that they can be gradually redefined (relieved).
Former poorly, unsustainably planned working spaces will gradually transform in green mix with urban personal biodiversity units - uPBU.
All kind of Industries will be able to produce less, but more quality products which will cause less pollution.
People will live healthier, more dynamic and less harmful.

respect the wildlife!

new world society | order ©BALANCED COEXISTISM -
Leaders and Governments
should totally rearrange working, survival systems and conditions of states.
Profit is forbidden.
A whole new world of living and working standards
for third millennium post Covid - 19 world.
Working more than 8 hours is forbidden. Competition is off.
I already mention it, profit is forbidden.
Only one happy job per person is guaranteed.
Universal Basic Income is implemented in 2020.
When a citizen is born,
every country in the world provides him with
100 m2 of living space - ©Personal Biodiverse Unit - PBU,
50m2 of indoor 50m2 of outdoor space
which must contain at least 7 species of flora
and at least 7 species of fauna.
Each individual is legally responsible
for their own small universe of biodiversity.
4 hours working somewhere else (if necessary),
4 hours working hours must be spent
in own ©Personal Biodiversity Unit - PBU
in conjunction with the living creatures
for which he is responsible.
Economists may interpret this as Earth natural tax.
A person may have adequate financial income from activity on ©Personal Biodiversity Unit - PBU,
but not more than his Universal basic income.
So, we have three types of income: universal basic state income, possible (at the person's choice) land-friendly income,
and a wage to work in the job for which he was educated.
The possible difference in financial income should not be more than 777 times between the richest and poorest person in the world.

also planet Earth needs to breath, eat and digest
Everyone in the world has to ask themselves
what really matters
and she/he must be prepared for radical changes in his daily life.
Are you ready?
If you are, invent your nano transformation and
Become climate nano transformer
and change your direction towards a balanced humanity,

world’s Libra
the symbol
of justified equilibrium
It's up to us
7.53 billion nano transformers.
We will be world’s Libra.
No, we will no longer harm Earth is THE FUTURE MANTRA OF HUMANITY ON EARTH.
No we won’t movement
Now I'm more than five years away from the group of trees,
and therefore I see more clearly every tree and the whole forest. Living in a barefoot tribal society shows me
the enormous imbalance between the countries of the world and the abyss is evident every second.
And the biggest and most critical is the unbalance of meat mass vs green mass.
Insane multiplication of people is base of all dally problems.
On one side of the world is too much of unhealthy processed food, too much bottled water, too much production of electricity.
On the other side, not enough food, not enough water, not enough electricity.
Open hunt - called business opportunities - from predatory governments,
is performing every minute from already more than enough rich and ‘developed’ countries, only for more money.
Towards what goal, I’m asking again?
The answer is self-extermination of humanity.
And there is greed for money on both sides.
After all, nature will prevail.